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to the website of the
Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt e.V./
Association for Social Progress!

On this website, we are pleased to inform you about us and our work.
What does the Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt e.V. do?

We are a forum. A discussion forum for social policy issues at the intersection of science and practical political application in ministries, federations and civil society. The Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt e.V. exists for more than a century. It stands for ambitious research on the full range of social policy, including economic policy issues (labour market and incomes policy). We aim at bringing highly relevant research in socio-political fields into the public debate. Especially the perspective of the European integration is a prevailing issue for us.The activities of the Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt e.V. are characterized by their openness. The Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt e.V. has no political programme. This is her explicit will, because she wants to be independent, pursuing a non-profit mandate and fostering social progress in the context of social change. In addition, due to the diverse members of the Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt e.V., she cannot embody a political programme. The members comprise the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA), the Federation of German Trade Unions (DGB), social insurance federations, charity federations, Federal States of Germany and many other institutions as well as numerous natural persons. All these institutional and individual members support and constitute us because they are interested in a forum of discussion and analysis that contributes to the clarification of social policy issues This website provides further information (in German language) about our work. You will find our articles of association, information about upcoming events (conferences, workshops etc.), an archive of our research journal „Sozialer Fortschritt“ (German Social Policy Review) including English and German abstracts of the published articles and much more. If you are interested in our work and would like to know more about it, please contact us! Especially new members are very welcome!



Office of the Association for Social Progress:

Esra Emre
Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt e.V.
An der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Str. 52
10825 Berlin

Tel:   +49 (0)30-30877-1549
E-Mail: office@sozialerfortschritt.de


Visitor address of the Association for Social Progress:

Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt e.V.
An der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Campus Schöneberg, Haus E, Raum E 3.13
Babelsberger Straße 14-16
10715 Berlin


Your direct contact to the president of the Association for Social Progress:

Prof. Dr. Aysel Yollu-Tok
Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt e.V.
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Campus Lichtenberg
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
D-10315 Berlin

Tel: +49 (0)30-30877-2436
Fax: +49 (0)30-30877-2019
E-Mail: Aysel.Yollu-Tok@hwr-berlin.de


Journal „Sozialer Fortschritt“/German Review of Social Policy

Sandra Knorr
Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt e.V.
An der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Str. 52
10825 Berlin

Tel:   +49 (0)30-30877-1549
E-Mail: redaktion@sozialerfortschritt.de

Permanentlink zu diesem Beitrag: https://www.sozialerfortschritt.de/home/english